
Event Date 21-11-2020 18:00
Event End Date 21-11-2020 19:30
Registration Start Date 13-11-2020 11:00
Registered 12
Available place 28
Cut off date 20-11-2020 20:00
Individual Price 14,00€
Location ZOOM

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Event Date 12-12-2020 17:00
Event End Date 12-12-2020 18:30
Registration Start Date 04-12-2020
Registered 13
Cut off date 11-12-2020
Individual Price 35,00€
Location ZOOM

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

je prva stopnja študija odličnosti, kjer se boste naučili bolje upravljati z vašimi mislimi in občutki.

Vaši občutki vplivajo na vaše vedenje.

Vaše vedenje vpliva na rezultate, ki jih dosegate v življenju.

Ja, z ljubečo energijo do samega sebe, lahko privlačite tudi druge dobre energije v svoje zivljenje. Vse je energija. Ja, tudi denar.

Eden od najpomembnejših partnerskih odnosov, ki ga sklenemo v življenju, je odnos s samim sabo. Oscar Wilde je nekoč rekel: ljubiti samega sebe je začetek dosmrtne romance. Ljubezen do sebe je pot do sreče; če se ne maramo, ne moremo imeti radi drugih in življenja nasploh. Že ljubezni do drugih ni preprosto opredeliti, še težje je opredeliti ljubezen do sebe. 

 Spremenite lahko vse. Toda najprej morate to prepoznati.

Vzorce samoobsojanja nam vcepita okolje in vzgoja, a z delom na sebi jih je mogoče preseči. Vedeti moramo, da nas napake ne definirajo. Naučiti se moramo, kako preseči negativno mišljenje o sebi in se vzljubiti takšni, kot smo. 

To je prvi korak do SREČE! To naj bo prvi cilj v letu 2021! DELO NA SEBI, LJUBEZEN DO SEBE...SREČA.

Kako začeti z delom na sebi? 

Tukaj sem za vas, da vas vodim skozi to potovanje. To si  zaslužite. 

Zdaj, ko ste se odločili za spremembo, bodisi zaradi novoletne zaobljube ali zgolj močne želje, ki se je porodila enega jutra, je čas, da začente programirati svoj podzavesten um na pozitivno. Koliko časa mora preteči, da nam določena stvar preide v podzavesten avtopilot ali postane rutina?


Najmanj 21 dni!!

Verjetno ste mnogi slišali, da je potrebno 21 dni, preden nam določena stvar preide v navado, oz podzavest.

Spletna delavnica LJUBEZEN DO SEBE BO torej TRAJALA 3 tedne. 

Videvali se bomo prek Zoom aplikacije in sicer 3 sobote do Valentinovega in medtem bom dosegljiva v fb skupini, whatsappu in prek emaila za vsa vaša vprašanja. :)

Prvi del : 30.1.2021 ob 17.30

Drugi del: 6.1.2021 ob 17.30

Tretji del: 13.1.2021 ob  17.30


Število mest je ZELO omejeno, saj želim, da je ta delavnica resnično efektivna za vse udeležence.


Vsak udeležec bo prejel tudi Valentinov voucher s 40% popustom za osebno NLP coaching seanso 1:1.


Kaj je NLP?

je študijodličnosti, kjer se boste naučili bolje upravljati z vašimi mislimi in občutki.

Vaši občutki vplivajo na vaše vedenje.

Vaše vedenje vpliva na rezultate, ki jih dosegate v življenju.


Event Date 09-01-2021 17:30
Registration Start Date 12-12-2020
Registered 1
Available place 13
Individual Price 40,00€
Location ZOOM

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life and that includes your relationship with yourself. Learning how to fall in love with yourself is essential to your own happiness, to your success in relationships and to the way you interact with the world. That’s because of the law of attraction: what you put out into the world, you get back ten-fold. 


When you fall in love with yourself, you’ll naturally spread that love out into the world, improving the quality of your life and others.

When you love yourself, you receive more love in return. You become a magnet for good energy. When you exude confidence and joy, you’ll attract others with the same zest for living. This improves the quality of your relationships, which improves your life. The cycle is clear – and it all starts with falling in love with yourself. But where does self-love come from? And how can you build it? What are the best ways to fall in love with yourself ?


“Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.” ~Tony Robbins. 




Fall in love with yourself by utilizing strategies from Tanja Volic and Sindi Stojanovic ’Self love webinar’. 16.01.2021.




How to be kind to yourself
It seems simple, but it can be one of the hardest acts of self-love to master. We grow up in a society that is always telling us how to look, how to live and even how to feel. If you’re wondering how to fall in love with yourself, the first step is to give yourself permission to be human. 
How to change your self-talk
The way you talk to yourself affects your mood and your behavior – and negative inner thoughts become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Adjust your physical state
Your physical state – your posture, breath and movement – is the key to your emotional state. If you’re not feeling confident, try adjusting your body. Straighten your spine and throw your shoulders back. Raise your head high. Smile. 
How to meditate

Meditation is one way to not only change your breath – which is part of your physical state – but also to change your entire mindset. 

Create healthy relationships
It’s true that your most important relationship is with yourself, but that doesn’t mean you should allow negativity into your life. Surround yourself with people who care about you and think the best of you. 
Adopt an abundance mindset

When you practice gratitude and adopt an abundance mindset in everything you do, that will naturally bubble over into falling in love with yourself. 

How to practice self-care
When you love yourself, you treat yourself kindly, both emotionally and physically. You wouldn’t want a person you love to live in a stressed state of mind or to avoid doing things they love – so why allow yourself to do those things? 
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Find your purpose 

Finding your purpose is the ultimate way to learn how to fall in love with yourself. Purpose gives us a reason to get up in the morning and makes us a part of something larger than ourselves. It fulfills several of our 6 human needs including significance, growth and contribution. 

Tips and tools from NLP 

The NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques that were discovered can be powerfully effective in changing how you experience the world. Since our thoughts and feelings shape our reality, this means that these NLP techniques can actually transform your entire life.




Find your purpose and light a fire of self-love within you, and others will be attracted to the flames.


Love and light,

Tanja & Sindi 

Event Date 16-01-2021 17:00
Registration Start Date 04-01-2021
Registered 8
Cut off date 15-01-2021
Individual Price 39,00€
Location ZOOM

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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